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Saturday, 6 January 2024

Innocence Lost

Innocence once lost is lost for ever
 By: Tariq Ahmad Malik

This is a brief account of an innocent girl named Naina.She was the heart and soul of her teacher Shahid Sir.He would see her as the girl of great promises.
Naina had also a brother Haris.Her brother would also love her very much.She was apple of his eyes.He loved her innocence all the more.
Without going into details,
Naina's brother once said to her,"Hena  is not a good girl.Better to stay away from her".She agreed quite easily.
A few days later she changed her mind and made her own statement.
"Hena  is a good girl.God knows,why bayya had seen wrong with her."She thus proved her brother wrong in only a few days.

Shahid Sir,once , also said to her, "Seema  is not a good girl.Stay away from her."
Ok,Sir,she agreed without questioning.

A few days later.She told her teacher that 
he should not  say that Seema was not a good girl.and that she would not bear insulting her.She was  now her best friend.
Thus she proved her teacher wrong that time.The way in which Naina made this statement was also an insulting one.
The forgetful teacher didn't take it to the heart,and in only a few days did again said to Naina,
"Beshember Nath is not having good intensions for you."
Ok Sir,she said,"I will keep away".

A few days later
In order to ignore Shahid Sir and make him feel utterly rejected, Naina chose to spent one full day with Beshamber ,laughing and smiling on his nasty jokes,and giving him impression of being very close to him.Beshamber was seen very happy that day.Later she pretended that she had been there to warm herself under chimney that was lit there on that cold day.Thus she found a nice 
way to enjoy the sweet moments with the forbidden fruit.

Shahid Sir did never understand what did she love and what she didn't.He did always think that Naina would think him her Shaktiman.He could never understant what stuff she was made of .She did actually love every forbidden thing .
Shahid Sir would always think that she was made to act upon his advices .He lived with this misconception.
In the end,Shahid  Sir was shaken to believe that the world of faith had only black shades.
What to believe,and whom to believe was a big question mark for him.

 His most favoured student was changed wholly by the above three,one of whom was mentioned by bayya,and the two others by  Shahid Sir.
Had these three not come in her life,she would have been as innocent as she had been before September.The late September harvest was what Shahid Sir had not expected.The forbidden companions taught  her the art of manupulation to the core.

From that day onwards Shahid Sir left the service of mentorship for all times to come.

 Naina does still claim her innocence but that is mere a political statement.
Not coming from her heart as it would come before September.
Shahid  thus demands her to 
Keep her hand upon her heart ,and see.
if her heart does  stamp her words or not.

He feels that his place has long before been given to some unknown person.
He doesn't  have any problem now but he wants just to make the air clear.
 He believes that she  has her  heart,her time,and her will. She needs not ask anybody where to
Invest all the three .The teen ager girl has her own ways to follow.

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